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LabRisco no ENIC 2017

Premiação no XXV Encontro de Iniciação Cientifica da UFPB
publicado: 05/12/2017 21h44, última modificação: 05/12/2017 21h58

Students Iris Flavia de Sousa Gonçalves (Pharmacy / UFPB) and Filipi Calbaizer Marchi (Biotechnology / UFPB) had their technological and scientific research work, respectively, awarded n the XXV Meeting of Scientific Initiation of UFPB. Both works were developed under the project "Assessment of risk to human and environmental health of peptides and proteins with high potential for biotechnological application" coordinated by Prof. Philip David Farias (DBM / UFPB) making use of zebrafish embryos to replace the use of experimental mammals. 


(Foto: da esquerda para direita, Katiuscia Moreira Pontes, Davi Felipe Farias, Iris Flavia de Sousa Gonçalves e Filipi Calbaizer Marchi)