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Publicações Relevantes

por LABRISCO publicado 26/08/2017 22h27, última modificação 03/02/2021 11h22

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Assessing the effects of an acute exposure to worst-case concentration of Cry proteins on zebrafish using the embryotoxicity test and proteomics analysis

Vieira L, Hissa DC, Souza T, Gonçalves ÍFS, Evaristo JAM, Nogueira FCS, Carvalho AFU, Farias D. Chemosphere. 2021


Identification, characterization, and antifungal activity of cysteine peptidases from Calotropis procera latex

Freitas CDT, Silva RO, Ramos MV, Porfírio CTMN, Farias DF, Sousa JS, Oliveira JPB, Souza PFN, Dias LP, Grangeiro TB.  Phytochemistry. 2020 


Evaluation of seeds ethanolic extracts of Triplaris gardneriana Wedd. using in vitro and in vivo toxicological methods

Almeida TS, Arantes MR, Lopes Neto JJ, Souza TM, Pessoa IP, Medeiros JL, Tabosa PMS, Moreira TB, Farias DF, Carvalho AFU. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2020 


In vitro toxicological characterisation of the antifungal compound soybean toxin (SBTX)

Arantes MR, Peijnenburg A, Hendriksen PJM, Stoopen G, Almeida TS, Souza TM, Farias DF, Carvalho AFU, Rocha TM, Leal LKAM, Vasconcelos IM, Oliveira JTA.  Toxicol In Vitro. 2020


A novel piperine analogue exerts in vivo antitumor effect by inducing oxidative, antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory actions

Ferreira RC,  Batista TM, Duarte SS, Silva DKF, Lisboa TMH, Cavalcanti RFP,  Leite FC,  Mangueira VM,  Sousa TKG,  Abrantes RA,  Trindade EO, Athayde-Filho PF,  Brandão MCG,  Medeiros KCP,  Farias DF,  Sobral MV. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, V.128, 2020.


COVID-19 Therapies in Brazil: Should We Be Concerned with the Impacts on Aquatic Wildlife?

Farias DF, Souza T, Souza JACR, Vieira LR, Muniz MS, Martins RX, Gonçalves ÍFS, Pereira EAS, Maia MES, Silva MGF. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2020 


Toxicity testing of pesticides in zebrafish - a systematic review on chemicals and associated toxicological endpoints.

GONÇALVES, I.F.S., SOUZA, T.M., MARCHI, F.C., NASCIMENTO, A.P., VIEIRA, L.R., FARIAS, D.F.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press, 2020.


Risk assessment of the antifungal and insecticidal peptide Jaburetox and its parental protein the Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) urease. 

SÁ, C.A.; VIEIRA, L.R.; PEREIRA ALMEIDA FILHO, L.C.; REAL-GUERRA, R.; LOPES, F.C.; SOUZA, T.M.; VASCONCELOS, I.M.; STANISCUASKI, F.; CARLINI, C.R.; CARVALHO, A.F.U.; FARIAS, D.F. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 135, p. 110977, 2019.


Toxicity and Antitumor Activity of a Thiophene-Acridine Hybrid

Lisboa T, Silva D, Duarte S, Ferreira R, Andrade C, Lopes AL, Ribeiro J, Farias D, Moura R, Reis M, Medeiros K, Magalhães H, Sobral M.  Molecules. 2019

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