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Community Outreach

por mateus publicado 22/06/2022 11h28, última modificação 11/07/2022 14h36

UFPB excels in extension activities that count on the support of both the internal and external communities. A wide-ranging class of outreach services is provided, such as communication, culture, human rights and justice, education, the environment, health, technology, production and work. Other examples of actions in progress are cultural promotion, primary education, student assistance programs, professional training, support for local junior enterprises and humanitarian programs for women, elder persons, gender equality, refugees, migrants, traditional communities and socially-vulnerable people. For decades, hundreds of actions have been carried out by UFPB to elevate and enrich the socio-cultural dimension both in Paraíba and Brazil. Among them, the Nuclei of Contemporary Arts, Cinema,  Theater, and Popular Culture's Research and Documentation stand out since the 1970s as four building blocks of the local culture. Partners from abroad are welcome to come to UFPB and know more about endless possibilites to engage in field research, cultural events, or extension undertakings.