Você está aqui: Página Inicial > Contents > Menu > Contact > Inquiries


por ACI publicado 22/06/2022 11h37, última modificação 25/07/2022 10h42

If you need help or more information about UFPB, please do not hesitate to contact our International Office.

Mailing and visiting address

  • c/o: International Cooperation Office - ACI/UFPB
  • Address line: UFPB Campus I, Prédio da Reitoria, 1o. andar, Sala 10, Castelo Branco, João Pessoa, Paraíba, 58051-900, Brazil


Primary contact


Inquiry subjects

When you write to us, please, choose the subject that best fits your inquiry from the reference list below:

  • Top-level administration, academic missions, invitations, and the like.
  • Embassies and consulates, international organizations, bilateral agreements, and the like.
  • Incoming people, mobility programs, internship/ exchange calls, and the like.
  • Research networks, informetrics, scientific dissemination, and the like.
  • Public relations, press communications, interviews, and the like.