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Facts and Figures

por ACI publicado 25/07/2022 12h20, última modificação 25/07/2022 14h27
Facts and figures about UFPB.

The Federal University of Paraíba is increasingly pursuing excellence levels in management, governance, and strategic planning. In 2021, for instance, our index of transparency surpassed 89%. Dozens of support and technical units work actively and collaboratively to improve our performance indicators, business model and value chain, so that we can provide the best quality in services to our students, professors, staff, Paraíba state, and society in the whole. 

Find below our annual reports, statistics, and public data repository. Therein, you will have an overview on people, infrastructure, real estate assets, and much more. If you need more information on public data, do not hesitate to get in touch.  

UFPB in Snapshots Series

  • Facts and Figures - available soon
  • Administrative Organization - available soon


Annual Reports


Fact Sheets