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por Edinalva - PPGE.ENG publicado 09/09/2021 09h33, última modificação 09/09/2021 09h33




Aline Maria Batista Machado (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E- mail: prof.alinemachado23@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: The articulation of Popular Education with NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), "Third Sector", social movements, and Social Work.


Emília Maria da Trindade Prestes (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: prestesemilia@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: Youth and Adult Education and Higher Education Policies and Professional Qualification Policies.


Ivonaldo Leite - E-mail: mailto: ivonaldo.leite@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Popular Education in a historical-sociological perspective, State, Society, and Popular Education, Popular Education in the Latin American context, Popular Education in contexts of vulnerability and social risk, Popular Education and social change, Popular Education and school and non-school educational processes.


 Luiz Gonzaga Gonçalves (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: luggoncalves@uol.com.br

Areas of Interest: Popular Education, Youth and Adult Education. Indicative epistemology and human learning.


Maria Nazaré Tavares Zenaide (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: mntzenaide@uol.com.br

Areas of Interest: Human Rights Education in Latin America and Brazil. Popular Education and Human Rights. Educate for Never Again. Social Movements, Diversity, and Human Rights. University Extension and Higher Education. Social Movements, Popular Education, and University Extension. Conflictualities and Violence in sociocultural and school contexts.


Maria do Socorro Xavier Batista (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E- mail: socorroxbatista@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Popular Education, Education and Social Movements, Rural Education, State and Rural Education Policies.


Pedro José Santos Carneiro Cruz (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E- mail: pedrojosecruzpb@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: Studies and research in Popular Education within Health Promotion, Extension, and University Training, including the following dimensions: Popular Education in University Training, Popular Extension, University Extension, Popular Education in Health, Health Training, Social Participation, Social Movements, Popular and Community Practices, Educational practices in health services, Educational practices in Social Nutrition and Food and Nutrition Security, Education and Primary Health Care.


Severino Bezerra da Silva (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: severinobsilva@uol.com.br

Areas of Interest: Education and Social Movements, Rural Education, and Youth and Adult Education in official and unofficial rural experiences.


Timothy Denis Ireland (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: ireland.timothy@gmail.com

Areas of interest: Educators training for Youth and Adult Education (YAE), National and international policies for YAE and permanent/continuous education, YAE and work, University and YAE from the popular education perspective.




Charliton José dos Santos Machado (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: charlitonlara@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: Gender and Cultural Practices, Historical, educational, and literary approaches.


Fabiana Sena (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E-mail: fabianasena@yahoo.com.brAreas of Interest: Reading Practice in the Empire and the First Republic, Practices, Subjects, and Schooling Processes in the Empire and the First Republic, Autobiographical Writing Practice. Production and Circulation of Printed Materials, Educational Travels, History of Intellectuals.


Jean Carlo de Carvalho Costa (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: jeanccosta@yahoo.com.br

Areas of interest include studies and research on the existing interfaces in the following areas: Intellectual Itineraries, Social Thought in Brazil, History of Pedagogical ideas, Brazilian Modernity, whose temporality includes the History of Imperial Brazil and the First Republic.


Maria Elizete Guimarães Carvalho (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree)


Areas of Interest: History of republican education, with emphasis on the oral and written processes of constitution of the 1960s popular education movements' history and memory. Teacher life histories, History of education and its interfaces with human rights.

Mauricéia Ananias (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: mauriceia.ananias@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Education in imperial and republican Brazil, especially from the use of legislation as a mediator of the public schools' institutionalization.


Surya Aaronovitch Pombo de Barros - Email: surya.pombo@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: History of the Black Population's Education, Education in the 19th century, Education after the abolition (1890-1930), Education and women in the 19th century.





Adelaide Alves Dias (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: adelaide.ufpb@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Constitution processes of subjectivity and of meaning production in early childhood education. Public policies for early childhood education. Children's knowledge construction processes. Ethics and values in early childhood education.


Ana Cláudia da Silva Rodrigues (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E- mail: claudiacavn@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: Curriculum and educational policies, Curriculum practices in rural and urban schools, Curriculum and diversity, Curricular organization of basic education, Public policies for the expansion of school hours and integral education, Full-time integral education, Teacher training.


Dalila Andrade Oliveira (Permanent - Doctoral Degree) - Email: dalilaufmg@yahoo.com.br Areas of Interest: Public Policies in Education; Teaching work, Teaching work and profession, School management and organization.


Edineide Jezine Mesquita (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: edjezine@bol.com.br

Areas of Interest: Higher Education Policies - Access and Permanence. Policies of Social Inclusion and for people with disabilities.


Janine Marta Coelho Rodrigues (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E-mail: jmcoelho@ig.com.br Areas of Interest: Teacher Education. Learning Disorders. Public Policies. Exclusion, Inclusion, and Diversity. Psychopedagogical Aspects of Education. Inclusive Special Education.


 Jorge Fernando Hermida Aveiro (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E- mail: jorgefernandohermida@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: Public policies and educational policies for Early Childhood Education. Pedagogical work organization in Early Childhood Education and in the Early Years Elementary School. Early Childhood Education: school knowledge, curriculum and didactics from the Historical-Critical Pedagogy and Dialectical and Historical Materialism perspectives. School without Party, the capital accumulation crisis and the strengthening of the Brazilian political rightwing.


Luiz de Sousa Júnior (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E-mail: luizsjunior@gmail.com Areas of Interest: Politics. Education management and financing.


Maria das Graças Gonçalves Vieira Guerra (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) 

E- mail: gracinhavieira@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: Studies and research in educational policies related to issues of higher education evaluation and public policies in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation processes of educational actions. She also works with the distance education theme, focusing on the Open University of Brazil (UAB), from the perspective of a training and qualification of teachers and/or students public policy.

Maria Zuleide da Costa Pereira (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: mzul@uol.com.br

Areas of Interest: Curriculum and Culture Policies. Curriculum policies and the interfaces with emerging issues in basic education. Pedagogical Proposals Analysis of the municipal and state public school systems. Basic Education's Political-Pedagogical Projects with emphasis on understanding the basic education school curriculum.


Wilson Honorato Aragão (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: wilsonaragao@hotmail.com

Areas of Interest: Policies aimed at improving basic education (initial and continuous training for managers, pedagogical coordinators, teacher advisors, and on-site and remote workers). Non-school learning, social media, and society's organization.




Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree)

Email: ebrenna2@uol.com.br

Areas of Interest: Democracy and public space, communicative action, communicative reason, cognitive ergonomics, digital networks and intelligent systems, distance education, digital literacy and multiple intelligences.

Eduardo Jorge Lopes da Silva (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: eduardojorgels@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Initial and continuous teacher training for

Youth and Adult Education, methodologies and educational practices of YAE social (rural, gender, LGBT, and racial-ethnic) and students movements.

Francisco José Pegado Abílio (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: chicopegado@hotmail.com

Areas of Interest: Sciences and Biology Teaching, Teaching and Learning Processes and Teaching Knowledge, Environmental Education (formal, informal, non-formal), Contextualized Environmental Education for the Semi-arid, Teachers Continuous Training (in the Biology and Environmental Education areas).


José Leonardo Rolim de Lima Severo (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: leonardorolimsevero@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Foundations, methods, and experiences of curriculum development and coordination of pedagogical work in Integral Education and Higher Education contexts. Pedagogy Theories and contemporary teaching approaches. Performance of Pedagogy professionals in non-school contexts.


Maria das Graças de Almeida Baptista (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) 

E- mail: mgabaptista2@yahoo.com.br

Areas of Interest: Foundations of Psychology and Education, relationship between pedagogical theory and practice, teacher training.


Marsílvio Gonçalves Pereira (Permanent - Master's Degree) E-mail: marsilvioeduc@gmail.comAreas of Interest: Science and Biology Teaching and Learning in Formal and Non-Formal Settings, Health and Environmental Education, Teaching by Investigation, History and Nature of Science and Epistemic Practices, Teacher Training, Didactic Material, Biology Curriculum, Curricular Environmentalization, State-of-the-Art Studies and Systematic Reviews.

Munique Massaro - E-mail: munique@ce.ufpb.br

Areas of Interest: Teaching methods and strategies for Special Education targeted students, Supplementary and Alternative Communication, Educational Support Service, Training professionals in Special Education, Development and learning processes of the Special Education target audience, Inclusive Education, Universal Learning Design.


 Nilvania dos Santos Silva (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E-mail: nilufpb@gmail.comAreas of Interest: Moral formation and teaching and learning processes. Cognitive development and teaching and learning processes. University Extension and teacher training. Teacher Training and Rural Education.


Tânia Rodrigues Palhano (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: taniarpalhano@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Foundations of Philosophy and Education, Ethics and Education and Philosophy teaching.




Erenildo João Carlos (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree) - E- mail: erenildojc@hotmail.com

Areas of Interest: Interfaces between popular education and youth and adult education (discourses and practices of youth and adult education in school and non-school spaces in Brazil, foundations of education, educator's initial and continuous training, school pedagogical practice, initial reading instruction and literacy, basic schooling, curriculum, methodology, textbook ,and media language).


Jeane Félix da Silva (Permanent - Master's Degree). E-mail: jeanefelix@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Cultural Studies in Education, Youth, Gender and sexuality pedagogies, Education and(in) health, Sexual health and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, Intersectoral education and(in) health policies, Curriculum and innovative pedagogies.


Joseval dos Reis Miranda (Permanent - Master's Degree)- E- mail: josevalmiranda2015@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Education and sexualities. Sexual diversities and their interfaces with school and non-school routine. Teacher training, curriculum and sexualities, pedagogical work organization and its relation to cultural studies. Public policies on gender and sexualities. Gender and sexualities pedagogies.


Maria Eulina Pessoa de Carvalho (Permanent - Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree)- E- mail: mepcarv@terra.com.br

Areas of Interest: School-family relations. Gender in early childhood education, higher education, and teacher training.


Ricardo de Figueiredo Lucena (Permanent - Master's Degree) - E- mail: cacolucena@gmail.com

Areas of Interest: Body and education (elements of a body culture of movement). Education and civilization (possible figurations). Body culture of movement and the school.Sport, Physical Education, and Education. Memories of Sport and Physical Education in the city and at school.