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Revista Global Responsibility to Protect (Editora Brill - Holanda) publica artigo do Prof. Alexandre Leite em parceria com Professores da UFPE

Artigo: China’s Engagement with R2P: Pluralist Shaper?
publicado: 01/06/2020 08h00, última modificação: 25/05/2020 22h31
China’s Engagement with R2P: Pluralist Shaper?
In: Global Responsibility to Protect
Authors: Mikelli Marzzini L. A. Ribeiro 1 , Marcelo de Almeida Medeiros 2 and Alexandre Cesar Cunha Leite 3
  • 1 Professor of International Relations, Political Science Department, Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE, Brazil 
  • 2 Full Professor of Comparative International Politics, Political Science Department, Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE, Brazil 
  • 3 Professor in the Graduate Program of International Relations, PPGRI/UEPB, Paraíba State University, Paraíba, Brazil; the Graduate Program of Public Management and International Cooperation, PGPCI/UFPB, Paraíba Federal University, Paraíba, Brazil; the Graduate Program of International Relations, PPGRI/PUCMINAS, Minas Gerais, Brazil, alexccleite@gmail.com


Recently, the behaviour of emerging powers in relation to R2P has been understood as that of norm-shapers: states that seek to adjust the norm so that it conforms to their particular understandings. In this behaviour, respect for sovereignty is seen as a central concern. In the English School of International Relations, identification with the institution of sovereignty reflects an approach called pluralism. China’s behaviour is consistent with a pluralist approach to international relations. This paper aims to examine the Chinese positions regarding R2P, in order to identify pluralist traits in them. The procedure was to raise, inductively, prescriptions made by China, associating them with theoretical categories. From an analysis of the Chinese positions, it can be demonstrated that China’s behaviour reveals a paradigmatic case of a pluralist norm-shaper. Qualitative Content Analysis techniques were used as a methodological approach, while MAXQDAplus software was applied as a tool to aid in the coding of declarations.

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