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#!/bin/bash ######################################################################################### ## SSHPC - Cluster de processamento distribuído baseado em SSH ## ## ## ## Local: Laboratório Multiusuário de Bioinformática e Análise de Dados (LAMBDA) ## ## Centro de Biotecnologia (CBiotec), Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) ## ## Data: 30/05/2023 ## ## Coordenador: Edson Luiz Folador ## ## IC: Arthur Araújo de Lacerda ## ######################################################################################### readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "$0") readonly PROGDIR=$(readlink -m $(dirname "$0")) readonly SSHPC_DIRECTORY="/home/sshpc" # debugging flag debugging() { ${debug} && echo -e "$1"; } check_running_dir() { ### Checks for instruction files already running or to run local mac="$1" if [[ -n $(find "${SSHPC_DIRECTORY}/running/" -name "${mac}*") ]]; then local instruction_file=$(find "${SSHPC_DIRECTORY}/running/" -name "${mac}*" | sort | head -n 1) elif [[ -n "$(ls ${SSHPC_DIRECTORY}/run/)" ]]; then local instruction_file=$(find "${SSHPC_DIRECTORY}/run/" -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- ) mv "${instruction_file}" "${SSHPC_DIRECTORY}/running/${mac}_$(basename ${instruction_file})" local instruction_file="${SSHPC_DIRECTORY}/running/${mac}_$(basename ${instruction_file})" else debugging "No files to be run" exit 0 fi echo "${instruction_file}" } send_files() { ### ENV debugging "ENV" debugging "Sending files: ${comm} to client ${mac} ip: ${ip}, port: ${port}" if $debug then local env_command="scp -P ${port} \"${comm}\" sshpc@${ip}:~" else local env_command="scp -q -P ${port} \"${comm}\" sshpc@${ip}:~"; fi eval "${env_command}" || exit 1 } send_compacted_files() { ### BEN debugging "BEN" debugging "Sending compacted files" local ben_command='tar cjf - \"${comm}\" | ssh -n -p ${port} bioinfo@ "tar xjf -"' eval "${ben_command}" || exit 1 debugging "Compacted files sent" } get_files() { ### REC debugging "REC" debugging "Gettings files from client" if $debug then local rec_command="scp -P ${port} sshpc@${ip}:~/${comm}" else local rec_command="scp -q -P ${port} sshpc@${ip}:~/${comm}"; fi eval "${rec_command}" || exit 1 debugging "Files loaded from client" } compact_client_files() { ### BRE debugging "BRE" debugging "Compacting files for client" local bre_command='ssh -n -p ${port} bioinfo@ "tar zcf - \"${comm}\"" | tar zxf -' eval "${bre_command}" || exit 1 debugging "Files for client compacted" } execute_command() { ### EXE debugging "EXE" debugging "Executing files on Client" debugging "${comm}" local comm=$(echo "${comm}" | sed "s/cpu_from_client/${1}/") local exe_command="ssh -n -p ${port} sshpc@${ip} ${comm}" eval "${exe_command}" || exit 1 debugging "exe_commands on client executed" } execute_on_server() { ### SRV debugging "SRV" debugging "Executing files on Server" debugging "${comm}" local exe_command="${comm}" eval "${exe_command}" || exit 1 debugging "exe_commands on client executed" } delete_files() { ### DEL debugging "DEL" debugging "Deleting client files" debugging "${comm}" local del_command="ssh -n -p ${port} sshpc@${ip} rm \"${comm}\"" eval "${del_command}" debugging "Client files deleted" } append_to_sshpc_log() { local file="$1" local ip="$2" local mac="$3" local lab="$4" rm "${file}" echo "$(date +"%d/%m/%y%t%H:%M")"$'\t'"${lab}"$'\t'"${ip}"$'\t'"$(basename "${file}")" >> "/home/sshpc/runned/$(date +"%Y%m")_sshpclog.txt" } iterate_command_file() { ### Iterates through command file local file="$1" local ip="$2" local mac="$3" local lab="$4" local free_cores="$5" local port="9123" debugging "\nlab: $lab\nmac: $mac\navailable cores: $free_cores\nip: $ip\nfile: $file\nport: $port\n" if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then debugging "${file} instruction file does not exist" && exit 1; else while read -r seq ins comm; do [[ "$seq" =~ ^# ]] && continue case $ins in ENV) send_files;; BEN) send_compacted_files;; REC) get_files;; BRE) compact_client_files;; EXE) execute_command "${free_cores}";; SRV) execute_on_server;; DEL) delete_files;; esac sed -i "s/${seq}/#${seq}/" "${file}" done<"$file" append_to_sshpc_log "${file}" "${ip}" "${mac}" "${lab}" fi } main () { # Debug local debug=true while true; do case "$1" in -q | --quiet) debug=false; shift;; --) break;; *) break;; esac done debugging "=============================\n||| Running ${PROGNAME} |||\n=============================" # Variables sent from local ip=$1 local mac=$2 local free_cores=$3 local lab=$4 local file=$(check_running_dir "${mac}") debugging "file: ${file}\nset to: ${mac}" iterate_command_file "${file}" "${ip}" "${mac}" "${lab}" "${free_cores}" } main "$@"