Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Ceremony. From left to right: Mariana Pérez (UFPB), Vinícius Meira (Chefe DLEM/ Head of the Modern Languages Department), Monica Nóbrega (Diretora CCHLA/ Center Director), Stuart Beechler (US Consulate Recife), José Antonio Rodrigues (Reitoria UFPB), Helmara de Moraes (US Embassy), Jonathan Vieira (CELEST/ Prefeitura Municipal de João Pessoa), Ana Gêrda Paz (Representante dos professores de inglês)
Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Ceremony. From left to right: Mariana Pérez (UFPB), Vinícius Meira (Chefe DLEM/ Head of the Modern Languages Department), Monica Nóbrega (Diretora CCHLA/ Center Director), Stuart Beechler (US Consulate Recife), José Antonio Rodrigues (Reitoria UFPB), Helmara de Moraes (US Embassy), Jonathan Vieira (CELEST/ Prefeitura Municipal de João Pessoa), Ana Gêrda Paz (Representante dos professores de inglês)
Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Ceremony
Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Ceremony
Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Ceremony. Thiago Magno and Mariana Pérez
Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Ceremony. From left to right: Stuart Beechler (US Consulate Recife), Helmara de Moraes (US Embassy), Jonathan Vieira (CELEST/ Prefeitura Municipal de João Pessoa) and Diane Whaley
Opening Plenary with Fernando Guarany (BRAZ-Tesol) - Professional Development in ELT -wither or flourish: the choice is yours
Opening Plenary with Fernando Guarany (BRAZ-Tesol) - Professional Development in ELT -wither or flourish: the choice is yours
Plenária inicial/ Opening plenary with Fernando Guarany (BRAZ-Tesol) - Professional Development in ELT -wither or flourish: the choice is yours
Plenária inicial/ Opening plenary with Fernando Guarany (BRAZ-Tesol) - Professional Development in ELT -wither or flourish: the choice is yours
Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Cerimony - Gildo Tito (Up Language)
Cerimônia de abertura/ Opening Ceremony. EFOPLI members
Cerimônia de abertura + sorteio de brindes/ Opening Ceremony + raffle
Cerimônia de abertura + sorteio de brindes/ Opening Ceremony + raffle
Cerimônia de abertura + sorteio de brindes/ Opening Ceremony + raffle
Plenária #2/ Plenary Talk #2 - Habilidades Sociais Educativos e Ensino de Língua Estrangeira with Carmen Sevilla (CE/UFPB)
Plenária #2/ Plenary Talk #2 - Habilidades Sociais Educativos e Ensino de Língua Estrangeira with Carmen Sevilla (CE/UFPB)
Plenária #2/ Plenary Talk #2 - Habilidades Sociais Educativos e Ensino de Língua Estrangeira with Carmen Sevilla (CE/UFPB)
Homenagem ao professor Ribamar de Castro pelos 40 anos de trabalho prestados ao Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas / Tribute to professor Ribamar de Castro for his 40th year as a DLEM professor
Homenagem ao professor Ribamar de Castro pelos 40 anos de trabalho prestados ao Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas / Tribute to professor Ribamar de Castro for his 40th year as a DLEM professor
Homenagem ao professor Ribamar de Castro pelos 40 anos de trabalho prestados ao Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas / Tribute to professor Ribamar de Castro for his 40th year as a DLEM professor
Mesa redonda/ Round-table - Programs for teacher's professional development abroad - Ana Carolina de Carvalho (PDPI), Jhuliane da Silva (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant) and Rafaela Carla de Sousa (Programa de Ensino de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira - University of London)
Mesa redonda/ Round-table - Programs for teacher's professional development abroad - Rafaela Carla de Sousa (Programa de Ensino de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira - University of London)
Mesa redonda/ Round-table - Programs for teacher's professional development abroad - Ana Carolina de Carvalho (PDPI)
Mesa redonda/ Round-table - Programs for teacher's professional development abroad. From left to right: Rafaela Carla de Sousa (Programa de Ensino de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira - University of London), Ana Carolina de Carvalho (PDPI), Mariana Pérez (UFPB), Jhuliane da Silva (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant)
Sessão de pôsteres/ Poster session
Sessão de pôsteres/ Poster session
Sessão de pôsteres/ Poster session
Sessão de pôsteres/ Poster session
Sessão de pôsteres/ Poster session
Equipe de avaliadores dos pôsters do EPPI II/ 2rd EPPI Poster Evaluators. From left to right: Laura Mizuha (Consulado Americano), Jonathan Vieira (CELEST), Angélica Araújo Maia (UFPB), Fábio Alexandre (UFPB), Liane Velloso (IFPB), Thiago Magno (UFPB), Mariana Pérez (UFPB), Gerthrudes Araújo (IFPB), Igor Gadioli (UFS), Ana Angélica Lucena (IFOB), Betânia Medrado (UFPB), Daniela Nóbrega (UEPB), Karyne Soares (UEPB), Suênio Stevenson (UFCG), Sérgio Ifa (UFAL)and Telma Faria (UEPB)
EFOPLI Members
Workshop #1 - Reevaluating Teaching Approaches and Academic Uses of the English Language: Educating Through World Englishes - Michelle Quinones and Ingrid Hilário
Workshop #2 - Using social media in the teaching of English - Max Barbosa and Thiago Rodrigues (IsF-UFPB)
Workshop #4 - Phrasal Verbs: strategies, games and activities for the EFL classroom - Ana Gêrda Paz
Workshop #3 - Using games to review content - Marcelo Alvarado
Workshop #5 - Corpus Linguistics and Teaching: hands-on work with corpora - Helmara Moraes
Workshop #6 - More than reading skills in EFL: approaching texts and themes through critical literacy strategies - Angélica Maia and Jonathan Ferreira
Workshop #7 - Grammar Teaching: using and reflecting upon language -
Maura Dourado and Juliana Silveira
Workshop #8 - Teaching blind and visually impaired students: material adaptations - Rosycléa Dantas
Workshop #9 - Implementing your students' collocations -
José Ribamar de Castro
Workshop #10 - (Trans)forming the classroom: overcoming challenges - Gerthrudes Helena Cavalcante de Araújo and Liane Velloso Leitão
Workshop #11 - Applying the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom - Idmantzi Torres
Workshop #12 The Office of English Language Programs: opportunities and resources for interaction - Helmara Moraes
Workshop #13 Facing New Challenges with Principled Teaching - Najin Lima
Cerimônia de encerramento/ Closing Ceremony - EFOPLI Members
Cerimônia de encerramento/ Closing Ceremony - Staff and monitors
Premiação dos melhores pôsteres/ Poster winners prize ceremony
Premiação dos melhores pôsteres/ Poster winners prize ceremony
Cerimônia de encerramento + sorteio de brindes/ Closing Ceremony + raffle
Sorteio de brindes/ raffle (Cengage Learning/ Pearson/ British Council / Proling/ Fulbright Brazil/ Bookline/ National Geographic)
Sorteio de brindes/ raffle (RELO/US Embassy, Proling)
Cerimônia de encerramento + sorteio de brindes/ Closing Ceremony + raffle (Fullbright Brasil)
Cerimônia de encerramento + sorteio de brindes/ Closing Ceremony + raffle (Pearson)
Cerimônia de encerramento + sorteio de brindes/ Closing Ceremony + raffle
Cerimônia de encerramento/ Closing Ceremony